📄️ Introduction to Event Resale Link Endpoints
This section provides a series of endpoints designed to generate unique resale links for your specific events or shows in menta tech. These links are ideal for integration into event page buttons, facilitating navigation to the resale page on the secondary market.
📄️ Generate Resale Link
This document covers two types of endpoints for generating unique resale links: one for entire events and another for specific shows within an event. Both endpoints allow obtaining direct links to the resale marketplace, facilitating users' navigation to available tickets.
📄️ Generate Checkout Link
Here, we’ll see how to generate a link that leads to checkout with previously selected ticket listings.
📄️ Using Login Trust
This endpoint allows generating a URL for the resale page of an event using the LoginTrust authentication system.
📄️ Generate Resale Link with Return URL
This endpoint allows you to generate a unique link for an event or show, specifying a return URL. The return URL is used in the "Back" buttons on the resale page, allowing users to be redirected to the previous page on your platform.