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menta supports the integration of seating at the time of ticket issuance, allowing each ticket to contain detailed information about the seat location within the event. To achieve this integration, it is necessary to send additional information with each ticket during the creation process. This information must be included within ticket.props.seating.

Integration Example

To create tickets with seating information, you should use the following endpoint:

Here is an example of how to notify menta of a ticket issuance with fictional data using cURL.
    curl -X POST ''
-H 'Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data-raw '[
"ticketOptionId": "0001",
"showId": "4726",
"externalReferenceEventId": "the-lion-king-broadway",
"buyer": "",
"ticketId": "111",
"ticketAccess": {
"type": "URL",
"locator": "",
"status": "LOCKED"
"props": {
"seating": {
"row": "A",
"seat": "12",
"section": "VIP",
"door": "North",
"image": ""
Respuesta JSON
"status": 200,
"data": [{TICKETDATA}],
"errors": null

Seating Parameters

FieldData TypeDescriptionExample
rowStringRow where the seat is located."A"
seatStringSeat number."12"
sectionStringSection where the seat is located."VIP"
doorStringEntrance door corresponding to the seat."North"
imageStringURL of the image showing the seat location.""

For more detailed information about Ticket and Seating, please refer to the ticket data section.