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Events with WillCall

This section describes how to implement events with WillCall functionality on the menta tech platform. It details the necessary parameters when creating the event and issuing tickets, as well as key considerations to ensure correct implementation.

What is WillCall?​

WillCall is a process by which tickets purchased for an event are picked up at the event location rather than being sent electronically or by mail. In other words, the WillCall number is used for attendees to collect their tickets at the event's box office.

This system is employed to ensure that attendees present proper identification and the pickup code to obtain their tickets. The goal of WillCall is to provide a secure and controlled way to manage ticket distribution, avoiding the risk of loss or fraud in the delivery process.


Remember, WillCall is NOT a mandatory feature.

Parameters for Creating an Event with WillCall

To configure an event with WillCall, it is essential to define certain parameters within the configuration object in the body of the request to the endpoint. These parameters determine the handling of tickets and the pickup process. Below is a detailed description of each of these parameters:

Configuring the Pickup Policy

Within the configuration object, the ticket pickup policy is configured with the policy parameter under the redemption sub-object. The possible values for policy are:

  • NONE: Indicates that the event does not require WillCall. Tickets do not need to be presented at the theater box office.
  • OPTIONAL: The WillCall number is included on the ticket along with a QR code (Locator). Attendees may present the code at the theater box office if they wish, but it is not mandatory.
  • MANDATORY: WillCall is mandatory for the event. The ticket will only display the WillCall number without the QR code. Attendees must present the WillCall number at the box office to collect their tickets.

Configuring Time Before the Event

Also within the configuration object, the hoursBeforeShow parameter specifies how long before the start of the event the WillCall number should be available. This value is measured in hours and controls the period during which tickets can be picked up.

  • Description: Defines the period in hours before the event during which the WillCall number must be accessible. Typically, ticketing platforms allow WillCall from 2 weeks before the event. In the example, 168 hours is equivalent to 7 days.

WillCall Instructions

The instructions parameter provides additional information about the WillCall process. This field is especially useful for guiding users when picking up their tickets.

  • Description: Provides specific instructions on how users should present the WillCall code at the box office. For example, it may indicate that they should present the code either printed or displayed on their mobile device.

    Example: 'Present the pickup code at the theater box office.'

Configuration Example


Remember to replace "YOUR_API_KEY" with your Private API key.

For detailed information on the specific parameters and configurations you can use, see the Data and Specific Parameters section.

Below is a JSON configuration example that illustrates how these parameters are defined:

A continuación les brindamos un ejemplo de cómo crear un evento, con datos ficticios, utilizando cURL.
    curl -X POST ""
-H "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY"
--data-raw "{
'title': 'The Lion King',
'description': 'Más de 60 millones de personas de todo el mundo han venido a vivir la emoción y descubrir el esplendor del inigualable musical de The Lion King.',
'externalReferenceId': 'the-lion-king-broadway',
'shows': [
'title': 'The Lion King in Broadway theatre',
'status': 'LIVE',
'images': [
'url': '',
'kind': 'main'
'showId': '4726',
'date': '2022-04-02T14:00:00.000-04:00',
'ticketOptions': [
'title': 'Asiento Estándar',
'ticketId': '0001',
'description': 'Buena vista y buen audio. A una distancia de entre 40 y 60 metros del escenario',
'price': 5500,
'currency': 'ARS'
'title': 'Asiento Premium',
'ticketId': '0002',
'description': 'Ubicado en la parte frontal del teatro, con excelente vista y un audio premium.',
'price': 13800,
'currency': 'ARS'
'configuration': {
'redemption': {
'policy': 'OPTIONAL',
'instructions': 'Presentar el código de retiro en la boletería del teatro.',
'hoursBeforeShow': 168
'location': {
'city': 'New York City',
'state': 'New York',
'venueName': 'Broadway theatre',
'address': '200 W 45th Street',
'country': 'United States'

Respuesta JSON
"status": 200,
"data": {EVENTDATA},
"errors": null

Important Points to Consider and Additional Considerations

Buyer Information

All users purchasing resale tickets will be shown the email (e.g., used for the purchase to facilitate WillCall. Users will be able to claim all tickets bought in resale using that email.

Ticket Availability Update

When a sale is made on the menta secondary market, the original buyer's WillCall number must no longer contain the sold tickets. For this, it is necessary to use the menta Webhook (Resale Webhook Notifications). This will allow you to identify the sold tickets and then remove them from the original buyer.

Identity Validation

Use the menta Webhook (Resale Webhook Notifications) to obtain the buyer's personal information. This information must be loaded into the system so that the box office personnel can validate the resale buyer's identity with their new personal information, replacing that of the primary sale buyer.

This documentation should serve as a complete guide for implementing events with WillCall functionality on the menta tech platform. For any further questions or additional inquiries, please feel free to contact us.

That's it! With just this information, we can move on to the next step.