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Event modification

We realize that events may experience changes in their information, such as modifications in the date, place, name, among others. Therefore, it is essential that you inform us about these changes in order to keep the information updated in menta. In addition, if ticket options are added or modified, it is also important to let us know.

To inform menta about the changes made, you have to resend us all the information of the event, including the modified data as well as the unchanged data. To do this you must replace the HTTP verb by PUT.

Example of code when modifying an event:

curl -X PUT --data-raw '{**EVENTDATA**}'

Event fields that cannot be changed

Once an event is created, you have to keep in mind that there is some information that cannot be modified. This allows us to guarantee the consistency of the information provided to the users.

Fields that cannot be changed:

In addition, it is important to highlight that when working with menta no ticket options can be deleted. Performing this action may have undesired effects.